Walter's Headstone:
Walter F. Salter
1918 - 1957
All He Asked For In Life Was A Fair Shake
hello everyone, this is my first strictly historical theme:.
walter f. salter was the overseer of the branch office in canada in years 1918-1936. in 1936 he was dismissed from that function, and in 1937 he was disfellowshipped from the organization.. does anybody know his further history?
did he join any christian denomination?
Walter's Headstone:
Walter F. Salter
1918 - 1957
All He Asked For In Life Was A Fair Shake
the last lines from the movie platoon.
"i think now, looking back, we did not fight the enemy, we fought ourselves, and the enemy was in us.
the war is over for me now, but it will always be there, the rest of my days.
This clip is from the movie "Wish I Was Here" and the line I like is located at 0:30 - 0:60
it could be argued that exjws have issues in life simply because they were jehovah’s witnesses at a point in their lives.
do you think you or we are fairly normal considering we were jehovah’s witnesses or do you think we have a lot of baggage because we are a bit messed up ( even if we don’t even know it)?.
"You can find ants at any picnic if you look hard enough"
As an ex JW there often remains the bad habit of being on the look out for the bad or for evidence that things are getting worse and to be waiting for the next shoe to drop even though it never does. This habit can be overcome once one is aware that they have it.
now i think i may have seen everything.. "boy crowned prom queen by schoolmates".
i'm all for people being entitled to wear what they want and live as they please as long as they're not harming anyone but - a male prom queen?
maybe there wasn't much competition in his school?.
Yes indeed. The USA has even stolen Land of Hope and Glory for some other celebration to do with college.. Mind you, the words had to be changed so as to appeal more to our Atlantic cousins. Here's the original vocal version: that a tiny bit of British Snobbery I see showing? As far as things being "stolen" (your word) is concerned British Writer and Journalist, Alastair Cook once said:
"As always, the British especially shudder at the latest American vulgarity, and then they embrace it with enthusiasm two years later"
In the United States, Canada and the Philippines the instrumental version of the song is entitled "Pomp and Circumstance March" and is traditionally associated with high school and college (university) graduation ceremonies. There are no lyrics (they came later) just as it's composer Edward Elgar intended and because it has a march tempo, it is played as a processional or recessional during ceremonies for larger schools because it can be played repeatedly until all of the graduates are finished walking.
As far as the boy in the dress....wouldn't he have felt a bit foolish after all his efforts if no one even noticed or cared. Instead, he got the attention he wanted...even got his photo in the paper.
my doctor says that i need to have an operation to fuse the bones in my neck.
he said that after it's done i'll never look back!.
alcohol was my father's answer to everything.
I recently decided to sell my vacuum cleaner... all it was doing was gathering dust.
Velcro is such a rip-off !
i’ve been shunned for many years so her passing doesn’t really constitute a loss for me.
her and her husband made it clear many years ago they didn’t want a homo in their family.
request granted.
I’m not devoid of feelings. This affects me. I’ve flirted with tears today. But I refuse to give way to emotions that have no business existing given the history.
Don't be surprised if the enormity of this hits you sometime after she's gone. If I were you, I'd make an attempt to visit her. If nothing else, you'll always be able to say that you tried and erred on the side of love. Bad as some of them may be, we only get one Mother. This is your last chance to foil this Watchtower fueled situation and not let them take away your right to say goodbye to your mother properly and grieve her after she's gone.
get ready for the big time!
my wife has already been to several special training sessions this year in preparation for the big event.
several saturday sessions at the assembly hall in warsaw.
My wife's Uncle attended a convention in Warsaw a number of years ago. He said that no one could enjoy the Drama because no matter where your seats were, you were sitting behind a Pole.
now i think i may have seen everything.. "boy crowned prom queen by schoolmates".
i'm all for people being entitled to wear what they want and live as they please as long as they're not harming anyone but - a male prom queen?
maybe there wasn't much competition in his school?.
joe134cd6 hours ago Only in America
Apparently not.....this particular event took place in the United Kingdom.
Young people love to rattle the older generation by flying in the face of tradition as if they're the first to do so. He really showed them didn't he?? Who cares?? The whole idea of young girls parading around in evening gowns to win some popularity/beauty contest has probably seen it's day.
I notice nobody mentioned if he was doing well academically...which is the whole point of going to school in the first place .
my previous thread talked about how the jws believe that jah will magically remove all memories of their dead loved ones in the "new system.
" thus no sorrow.
ok so god will erase all memories of your dead children from your mind.
Every morning when I let my dog out into the backyard, he acts as excited as if it was his first time out there. He didn’t forget about the back yard, he knows where he is but once he sees it again, it’s all fresh and new to him.
It seems to me that in order to live forever without going bonkers, ones memory pattern or perspective of time would have to be altered somehow.
I think that scripture is talking about an “out-of-sight...out-of-mind” situation where the memories are still there but aren’t called to mind unless they are brought up somehow and why would they be after a thousand years of the world being blissfully perfect?.
whether it be sports athletes or hollywood heavyweights or talk show hosts—do these people influence your thinking?.